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Help improve our map

Help improve our map

Help make it easier for people to visit places within the Active Quarter by contributing to the map.

Published November 23, 2023

Northampton has lots of great outdoor spaces, and the Active Quarter partnership was formed to help make enjoying these spaces even easier. The partnership is a collection of businesses, organisations, and local people – all working together to improve opportunities for health, active travel, economic growth, education, and pride in Northamptonshire. The Active Quarter goes from Far Cotton in the east of Northampton, to the large Brackmills Industrial estate in the west; from the new Northampton Mountain Bike Park at Hardingstone in the south, northwards toward the town and the beautiful Becket’s Park.

One goal of the partnership is to make it easier for people to explore the area. This means mapping out all the great places to visit in the Active Quarter, and listing any information that would be useful to know if you’ve never been before.

You can help us map out some of the key geographic features in the Active Quarter. We’re particularly looking to find out the location of any benches or public seating. You can do this by visiting this link and dropping a pin!

Anything you can tell us about the area is exceptionally useful. It will help people feel more confident getting outside and choosing places to visit. This way, everybody can enjoy being outdoors knowing that their needs will be met, wherever they choose.

Help us map the Active Quarter

Click the button and drop a pin onto the map. Tell us about the location of benches and public seating across the area.