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The significance of urban greenspaces

The significance of urban greenspaces

What do Northampton’s residents value about their local parks? Find out what they told our researchers about the value of outdoor spaces.

January 22, 2025

About this research

Modern life can be full of noise and stress. Thankfully, Northampton has lots of outdoor spaces that offer an escape from everyday pressures. This includes ‘urban greenspaces’ – parks and other outdoor areas that are in (or near to) more built up areas. Local residents spoke to researchers at the University of Northampton and Nottingham Trent University about what urban greenspaces mean to them and the benefits they offer. Sixty-six residents visited Delapré Park, Hunsbury Hill, and Upton Country Park to share their thoughts. Watch the video or continue reading to discover what we found out.

Watch the video

Research findings

Three key themes emerged from conversations with local residents. One theme was the idea of an oasis – urban parks are a chance to escape. Participants also valued being able to connect with nature and being able to connect with other people. Here’s what people said about each theme.

An oasis

Urban parks can be both a physical escape (a chance to get away from noise and pollution) and a ‘social escape’ (a break away from work or other responsibilities). are away from all the hustle and bustle of life in the town and the suburbs.

...generally better surroundings instead of looking at a computer screen.’s just good stress relief really, makes me feel better, gives you a bit of a boost...

Connection with nature

People felt that seeing, smelling, and hearing nature helped improve their sense of wellbeing.

[My son] has never seen a swan protecting its family before!

We’ve seen rabbits, deer...and it’s just a nice place to come.

It’s better than the NHS in terms of what it gives you...

Social benefits

Interactions with strangers (like smiling or saying hello) felt more likely to happen in a park. And people said that these interactions can help create a further sense of wellbeing and community. also make friends with other dog walkers...

This is my social...This is my little sanctuary.

It’s a therapy for us, this little walking group.

Using this research in the future

The Active Quarter Partnership is sharing this research online – and with local decision makers – so that people’s views can inspire future maintenance/planning of urban greenspaces. After meeting with participants, this research project offers some recommendations:

  • Urban greenspaces should be considered as essential public services and not just built as optional extras
  • Urban greenspaces should be designed as social spaces, with consideration given to how visitors will interact (not just as places for plants and wildlife)
  • Urban greenspaces should feel welcoming to everyone. This means thinking about physical access (e.g., steps and pathways) but also about how parks can feel welcoming to people of all ages and backgrounds.

How you can contribute

The Active Quarter Partnership’s mission is to make it easier for everyone to enjoy being outdoors in Northampton. You can help by getting involved with any upcoming research opportunities – share your views and make a difference. You can also use some of Northampton’s brilliant outdoor spaces. If we all do this, we can make sure they are well used, well looked after, and a source of pride for our community. Get started by exploring some of these spaces on our interactive map, or by browsing upcoming activities.

Download the full research paper

The Significance of Urban Greenspaces in Everyday Life