Brackmills accessibility audit
Assessing the accessibility of cycling and walking routes through Brackmills Industrial Estate
Published November 23, 2023
What we did
We assessed the 10km of walking and cycling routes across Brackmills Industrial Estate to see if they met the latest Government Standards in Local Transport Note 1/20.
What we found
We found there were some accessibility issues that could be addressed by Brackmills Business Improvement District, for example: the removal of chicane barriers and narrow entry points along walking routes, missing tactile paving at crossing points, and overgrown vegetation that made the paths too narrow. From the audit, we made a number of recommendations:
Short-term recommendations
- Review the wayfinding in the Industrial Estate to cover minor gaps in the current provision and ensure clarity in route signage
- Update the information board maps to align with existing finger post signs and Brackmills BID branding
- Review vegetation maintenance schedule to reduce the encroachment of vegetation onto shared use paths and streetlights
- Review missing or broken streetlighting
- Targeted active travel support to employees who live within the 20-minute walking and cycling boundaries, e.g., eBike trials.
Medium-term recommendations
- Review crossing points along the footpaths and cycleways to ensure they meet Local Transport Note 1/20 standard
- Work with employers to provide secure cycle parking, storage, and shower facilities
- Removal of chicanes and bollards that do not meet Local Transport Note 1/20 standard.
Long-term recommendations
- Review the provision of bus shelters and seating across the Industrial Estate so employees can shelter during bad weather and pedestrians have places to rest if they are unable to walk for long uninterrupted periods
- Review all footpaths, cycleways, and shared use paths to determine upgrades needed to meet Local Transport Note 1/20 standard across the Industrial Estate.

Photo: Declan Ryan
Video map
To help people plan their walking and cycling routes, we have created a video map that shows you want the routes look like and where they go.
What happens now
Brackmills Business Improvement District were given the report and have already actioned a number of improvements across the estate, including:
- Landimore Road tactile paving have been implemented at crossing points
- Vegetation that overgrows on pavements has been cut back across the estate
- Meeting with West Northamptonshire Highways to discuss the roads and signage improvements highlighted in the audit
- The BID has ring fenced £120k for outdoor gym equipment which will be in place in 2024.
Further information
The research articles and supporting anonymised data can be publicly accessed below.